Throught college and the beginning of my job, I continued to bake. I usually stuck to my specialies, sugar cookies, chocolate chip cookies & blueberry pies. Then I met Drew. As soon as we started dating, I started seriously baking. I guess that's one of the reasons he stuck around! :) I have never thought of myself as creative but Drew definitely is & artistic. The first time I made my roll-out cookies for Drew with our flat powdered sugar/water icing, he suggested that we get more adventurous with our decorating. We started using icing pens & created some of the cutest cookies. We even made cookie bouquets for my best friend's wedding shower & my neice Jolie's first birthday party. People usually don't believe Drew when he says that he helps me decorate, but he really does! And as frusturating as it is for me, he is usually the more creative one with the best ideas! I have been known to copy his designs a time or two! So, I bake & we decorate together. We make a really great team! Here is a sample of our cookie art.