Happy Easter everyone!! I have had a standing Easter order from Jan at work since way back in February. She wanted to make sure we made her top priority for her Easter goodies. She has 3 young grand babies that she wanted to spoil with treats. After looking at all my books & surfing the web, she decided she was going to need a full order of 30 cake pops and 2 dozen full size cupcakes. The cake pops are strawberry with creme cheese icing on the inside in the shapes of chickens, bunnies & eggs.

How cute are these?! I am soo excited about how they turned out!

Everyone knows Drew is the free hand creative one, so I followed his lead on the egg decorating. Easter egg dipping, painting, and the rest have never been my strong point! It was my idea for the vertical stripes on some though!

I think these chicks are fabulous! When Jan chose chicks, they were her favorites, but I was not convinced. But after they were finished, I may have to agree with her!!
I mean seriously, don't they look like they can talk? They all have individual personalities coming through :)

Love these bunny faces too!! The ears are made from pastel Easter candy corns!

More eggs....

Okay, just one more picture of the cake pops..
And here are the cupcakes!! She wanted all pastel flowers. We broke out a trick I used early on, cutting marshmallows in half for the petals! The inside is super sticky so all you have to do is throw it in the sprinkles. The cupcakes are yellow buttermilk with butter cream icing.

Aren't they pretty?! Of course I like the pink the best!
The marshmallow cutting, sprinkling & sticking took way longer than expected but in the end, so worth it! Jan loved them! I told her that she has to come back with pictures of her grand babies with their Easter treats, so look forward to those!