I'm sorry it's been so long! I have had such a busy end of summer both work & personally, I have barely been in my kitchen, let alone had time to share with you what I've been up to! I think it's best to just show you :)

We took a family road trip to Louisiana for 4th of July weekend to visit my grandparents. My niece Jolie rode with us, so of course she needed a special outfit for all the pictures we planned to take!

This is the view from the back.

I think it turned out really cute! And she looked adorable in it!

Later in July, a friend from work asked me to make these tshirts for her daughter & friends to wear to church camp. Love the colors they chose!

I'm thinking I might make one for myself when I slow down!

I have an obsession with ruffles at the moment, so I made myself a lamp! I intended to make two & put them in my living room on either side of my couch. But, as I tried it out in my bedroom, I decided that was where it was destined to go!

I love the soft, satin ruffles! It totally girlies-up my side of our chocolate & blue bedroom! I will probably be making more of these...
Gifts for baby Emmy. Some of my very favorite things I've made!

I absolutely love the front of this onesie. How cute will she be with that flower e?
This is the back of the e onesie.

Like I said, obsessed with ruffles! Doesn't this make you want a ruffle butt? Okay, it does me!

This is the first bib I've embellished. Very quick & easy but super cute!

A custom diaper wipes case to match!

A close up of Emmy, which is short for Emaline.

I also made this bow holder for Emmy. They used it as at the shower.

Here's a purple and black bow holder that I made for my sister-in-law.

Meet my nephew Cade! I made this cute little watermelon shirt for him for a very important cause. We participated in the
Watermelon Run for the Fallen, a 5K walk/run for fallen soldiers. They didn't have shirts for babies, so of course Aunt Kelly had to make sure he had something to wear!
Here are both of my favorite little people!
I've also been making some little tie onesies for my friend Amanda's little boy Archie but I was in a hurry & didn't take pictures! Here's one I stole off her blog
The Parr Family Adventures
Isn't he the cutest?!!
Okay, I think that gets me pretty caught up on crafts for the summer!! I did have one flower cupcake order & a back to school apple adventure for Drew that I will be posting ASAP! Stick with me, I'm back in town & back in the kitchen!