I made these shirts for our niece Kambryn's birthday. I think they are super cute! I love the big flower on this one!

But doesn't it look good?! The front hooks that hold the board are from Hobby Lobby.
Next up was finishing the many October birthday presents I wanted to do. I swear everyone in my family is born in October! Including me! The first project I had was helping my sister-in-law Teria with the decorations for my nephew Cade's first birthday. She decided on a little red wagon theme. Here is his party shirt. On the back, we used the same gingham & spelled our his name across the shoulders. Super cute!
With my cricut & the help of my friend's new cameo, we made this banner, flags for the cupcakes & labels for all the food & drinks. It was the first party that I had done after catching the Pinterest bug. It was a very fun party & I am sorry that I don't have any more pictures than this! I will have to get more from Teria!
I LOVE this DIY canvas print of my nephew Cade that we used as a decoration. I got the idea from Pinterest, originally this post at Girl Inspired. I had a 11x14 print made, modge podged it on a canvas, then distressed the it to give it the antiqued look. Isn't he cute?!
And here he is again, this time in a shirt I made him for his birthday. I saw this Pin & knew it would be a perfect shirt for Cade!
My next project was a wreath for my mom's birthday! I love this burlap Christmas wreath that I found on Pinterest & knew it would be perfect for mom. I used the tutorial from Craftaholicsanonymous to do both the wreath & the burlap roses. It was very simple & easy to follow! My only problem was that I didn't like any of the colors of burlap that I could find at Walmart & Hobby Lobby. I was making the wreath for my mom to hang up in her classroom as a year round decoration, so of course I wanted it to be her favorite color, purple! Apparently I was feeling very ambitious, because I decided to dye my burlap to get the color that I wanted. My husband thought I was slightly crazy since I had never dyed anything in my entire life. But, after being colored in an ice chest & washed out in the washing machine (twice), I love the color purple I ended up with! BTW-She loved it to!
I got into a little bit of a tutu phase towards the end of the month. After spotting this Pin with a very easy to follow tutorial, I knew it would be perfect for the baby present that I needed to do. Baby Tenley was born in January & I can't wait to see her in the onesie & tutu I made for her! She is such a beauty!!

Kallie was awesome!! Especially how she dove into the cake! We are NOT shy around here about our love for cake!
And now for all of our Halloween decorations! Every single one was a Pinterest inspired or straight up copied idea!
First up, the wreath for my front door. I loved this Pin, but instead of taking me to a tutorial, it was an etsy shop. Sorry, I'm not buying it, I want to make it! As you can see, I have a red door so I didn't think the orange wreath would be a good match. I decided to go with black. I cut up my burlap strips, got my wreath form, put in Twilight & went to tying. And tying. And New Moon. And tying. I had NO idea it was going to take that long! O well, I really liked the way it turned out!
Next I made a wreath for my french doors. Here, I decided to use the same folded burlap technique that I used for my mom's purple one, but in orange! I didn't want to do the roses, just a simple bow.

This was with sanding, but without the black distressing from the ink pad. Drew took this one to school & gave it to his partner teacher who enjoys decorating. I seriously love these!
After seeing a very easy ruffle table cloth that Girl Inspired made for her daughter's birthday party, I decided I needed a Halloween table cloth! I got a full size orange sheet from Walmart, cut it down to the correct dimensions for my table, added a ruffle & it was done! I love anything with ruffles!
I had seen several posts on Pinterest using Apothecary jars filled with various things to add pops of color around the house. Luckily, I have several of these jars lying around, I just needed some candy corn & oreos! Which turns out wasn't the best idea. I didn't realize I even liked candy corn until I had a huge jar of them in my living room! 

And last, but certainly not least, is the Halloween decoration that my husband helped with! We copied this Pin.
Take 5 2x4s cut to various lengths, screw them together & paint! The painting is where Drew came in. He is definitely the artist in the family, he free handed all the faces. The ghost is a little scary for me, but he was doing it voluntarily, so I let him go with it! Super cute!
So that was my very pinteresting October! Makes me tired just thinking about it all over again. And also, now you know why i haven't blogged about it until February, way too busy!!