First, I am going to have to assume that they used smaller, party martini glasses, not real ones. I think this is true because each of my martinis has two cupcakes in it, and it took two whole cans of frosting to fill up just three glasses! I know lots of people like icing, but that is extreme!
Of course, I started with pink. I took 1/2 can store bought icing (sorry, lazy!) & melted it in the microwave. After coloring it a great shade of pink, I poured it about half way into the glass. Then I added one full size strawberry cupcake. This is when I realized I had a lot of glass to fill up! I took another cupcake & cut it into pieces, to fill around the sides of the full cupcake. This is where I messed up. I immediately added more frosting to fill it up. Because I didn't let the cupcakes set in the bottom icing that was firming up, it started to rise to the top. I was able to push it down, add more frosting & kind of smooth it out after about 10 minutes.
Next came green. I know I am totally impatient when I want to complete something, but you would have thought I had learned from my pink mistake. But of course, no, I was in a hurry & still didn't let the cupcake set long enough. For some reason, I could not even get this one to even out as good as the pink. Ugh! So obvious, with the cupcake coming through the surface! Notice the clear sprinkles on pink & green? I used them to try & conceal some of the bumps & make the top look more uniform. Worked pretty well!
And then there's blue! Finally, I got it right!! This is what my cupcake cocktails were supposed to look like. Perfectly concealed cupcake, smooth, flat surface, gorgeous! So cliche, but the third time's the charm!
The best part was adding the candy decorations! Can you name the candy? Gummy life savers, jelly beans & gobstoppers!
These were so much fun to do, when I was doing it right! Okay, that's going to be it for the week. I'm planning on making something special next week for Drew to take to school for their last couple of days. We'll see!
This is a perfect substitute for a girl that can't have the real thing!