These are the ornaments I made last year. Pretty good for my first attempt! I spray painted clear glass balls, used marshmallows to paint the dots & cut our names out of vinyl with my cricut.
I got this sign for our yard at Canton. I think it is super cute! I plan to try & make them next year for our families!
Here is our AwEsOmE front door! This was the first piece of our all-out Christmas decorating to be completed. My mother-in-law Diana, is very crafty & made this garland for me, while we were sitting in the hotel in Canton. It is made out of burlap, deco mesh & ribbon. Luckily, she taught me how to do it as she was making it! I think it is gorgeous!! I have never had a garland around our entry before. This was the start to my Christmas decorating obsession!
Here's a close up of the deco/burlap. I just love it! I had never used deco before either & discovered I could do soo many things with it!!
Like Christmas wreaths! I made this wreath for my friend Sandee. It is my favorite wreath I've made. I love that green & red sparkly ribbon.
This one I made for Drew's school's Christmas party.
Once I started with the garlands & deco mesh, I had a problem stopping. This is inside our kitchen. I made this garland all by myself! It did have a hook in the middle where it draped, but I was having some problems with the hook staying stuck to the wall. I finally got it fixed, but didn't get a picture. I made those wreaths as well. Red & cream burlap, folded like the tree garland, threaded onto a hangar.
A close-up of my handy work :)
Did I mention, I got a little obsessive with the Christmas decorating?! This is the door leading to our bedroom. My husband just laughed & shook his head. I eventually took it to my mom to hang in her house.
Like I said, the many uses of Deco Mesh. I saw this Pin for a deco mesh lighted Christmas tree & knew just who needed one, my three year old niece, Jolie. But of course, since she's related to me, it needed to be pink!! She loved having her own Christmas tree in her room!
This is my nephew Cade in the shirt I made him. Isn't he precious?!
And the outfit I made Jolie on Christmas day. Her tutu was getting a little crazy from all her antics, but she was adorable!
So, as you can see, we had a very colorful & festive Christmas at the Self house! Drew is pretty worried what next year will bring since I learned how to do so many new things in December. He is convinced we will be start decorating in October & have garlands around every door frame. He may be correct :)
Merry belated Christmas!!
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