We found an eggless chocolate chip cookie dough recipe for the mother-to-be. Not a great picture, but this was probably one of her favorite things at the shower!
These awesome milk containers came from IKEA. We had whole, skim & chocolate. I pushed for strawberry but was outvoted :(
Here's the drink set up. We used Mason jars & fun striped straws!
We also had Blue Bell ice cream! Sugar free vanilla, home style vanilla & finally a strawberry! We got the idea to put them in cupcake liners from this Pin. Very cute!
A close up of a cookie jar :)
I made this sign for his room out of a cabinet door. Multipurpose- decoration & gift!
Love how the banner turned out!
My sister-in-law Teria made this diaper wreath. Isn't it cute?!!
Enough decorations, now fun! We had several activities at the shower. The first- create your own onesie! Grab the onesie of your choice off the clothesline,
a seat, a fabric paint pen & get busy creating! On the right is the grandmother-to-be & her sister.
This is the beautiful mommy-to-be. I think she made more than anyone :)
This was her first onesie
This was one of my favorites!
Before the shower, we had some of the men related to Andie create a onesie for a game at the shower. Andie had to guess who made which onesie & everyone at the shower voted for their favorite. It was really fun!
This onesie was made by my dad, Andie's Uncle Sam. Andie's husband actually does hunt lions.
This was made by my brother, Andie's cousin, Cody. Very cute play on the name!
Guess who made this? That's right, the dad-to-be, Clay
This was made by Andie's dad, Fletcher.
And this was made by my husband, Drew. Yes, all by himself. Of course it was my favorite, but I didn't get to vote.
And the winner is....
My husband, of course!! I guess hanging around me really pays off :)
The last thing we did at the shower was advice for the new parents. We had chalk boards for the guests to write their advice on & I took their picture with it. I then (ok, I haven't done it yet but I will!) had them all put together into a shutterfly book for Andie & Clay. Here are a couple of my favorites:
Andie's mom
Andie & her dad
My mom
And of course, me! because what do I know about babies?!
Good news- because I am 6 months behind on this blog, I get to introduce you to West. Here he is, completely perfect with his parents, Andie & Clay.
Congratulations guys!!
Best Shower ever!!! Thanks again for making it so special!! I LOVE YOU
ReplyDeleteAnything for you!! PS- I am so ready for that Princess themed shower!! Can I have it now? before we have a baby?