I received an order from a girl at work named Arely who wanted something special for her little sister's 18th birthday. I brought my book up & let her see all the different things I (hopefully) could do. After some major indecision, she decided on half strawberries & half cupcake cake pops. She also wanted the cake inside the pop to be strawberry with cream cheese icing, my favorite! Luckily, Drew had poker night, so I had lots of time to get them perfect! I wrapped them individually & tied them off with some green and white tulle. I was trying to figure out how she could display them, & I thought of all the extra 2x4s I have around the house from various other projects. I decided to stick two together & drill some homes to make a pop holder. I was super excited about how it turned out! I told Lee what I was making & told her it was on the house, if she brought it back. The plan was to just keep replacing the front plate with names/occasions, or whatever else I wanted the pop holder to say! The holder is 12 inches long & holds up to 12 cake pops at a time. Here are more pictures of her order:

Drew was there long enough to make sure I shaped my strawberries correctly. He was not very impressed with my first attempts!
The green tops are candy melts that I piped on to wax paper, froze & then peeled off & "glued" with more candy coating. The stems are cut sour straws.
I'm getting better with the cupcake pops every time!
Very colorful :)
Another picture of the holder. And the paper towel is under it because I am extremely impatient & the pink paint wasn't completely dry yet. I didn't want anymore pink paint on anything!
She loved her order! On Monday when she was supposed to come back with the holder, she instead brought me money because her sister was unwilling to give the holder back! Not sure what she plans on doing with the 2x4 with holes drilled into it for pops, but who knows. As long as the birthday girl is happy.
Now I just have to make another one for myself!
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